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We will help you reach your


Logo Jaws-IT  persoonlijke consultancy
Jesper achter pc kijkt in de camera met hand naast zijn gezicht

I'm Jesper, nice to meet you!

System and software designer, Architect, IT consultant and DDD trainer and co-founder of Jaws-IT with more than 20 years of experience as an IT consultant.

What gets me out of bed? In my role as a consultant, I can help people improve all aspects of the software development process: from organizational and project structure, system design, test integration to implementation and monitoring.

Who we are

IT Architecture

icoon van computerscherm met tandwielen erop


icoon van handenschudden

DDD Enabled

icon symbolizes DDD
logo Jaws-IT met tekst domain driven design en oplopende staafdiagram met pijl

Domain Driven Design Enabled

Do you also want to make your business DDD Enabled? Want to increase your agility? Shorten time to market? Want to increase your innovation power? Or are you curious about how to actually start with DDD in your organization?

Then download our popular brochure here.

Willem achter bureau, kijkt in de camera met armen op het bureau

Willem Aalderink, nice to meet you!

Agile coach, Senior Scrum Master, IT consultant, Agile & DDD Trainer and Google Ads enthusiastically and together with Jesper, co-founder of

Jaws IT. 20+ years of successful coach in the field of Agile working and IT consultancy.

What really gives me energy?

When people become as enthusiastic about their work as I am because they also see that you can move forward together!

What others think of us

Willem has helped me (and the SVB) enormously over the past year in further shaping Agile working. In this regard he was a rock for us who knew how to get us in the right direction with his knowledge of the matter.

Antoine Beljaars, Child Customer Domain Manager - SVB

As a mentor and trainer, Jesper exudes enthusiasm. He's not just content with his own mastery; he's equally eager to uplift the skillset of fellow developers.

Rudolf de Grijs, full stack developer - Keylane

Willem is a pleasant guy to work with. Skilled, smart and a good communicator. I would definitely hire him again for a future project.

Erwin van der Vlist - Founder Speakap

Jesper's innovative approach, technical acumen and dedication made a significant impact on our team's success.

Mihailo Radicevic, Product Owner - Athlon Carlease

How can we help you?

deur met sierhekwerk

Jaws-IT is an IT company where consultancy comes first. We get energy from helping people. Whether this is by using Gacha Planner so that your employees spend less time on the phone, or by giving an energetic workshop where we create something beautiful together that you can start working on immediately the next day. Coaching and guiding is in our blood, always with personal attention for our customers.

Our expertise and more than 20 years of experience cover the realization of

IT systems, software architecture and development advice & implementation, clarifying business goals, Agile (management) team coaching, training, setting up portfolio management and implementing domain driven design so that IT and business reinforce each other, as they should.

What we do

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